For some reason many job seekers believe that their assessment of own resumes or CVs should be among the main criteria to determine whether the document needs to be edited or it can be sent to employers. The truth of the matter is that how you view your resume can be absolutely irrelevant. In fact, it may do more harm because if you use different assessment criteria that hiring authorities use then the application outcomes will unlikely be successful. It is extremely important that you know how your resume or CV is going to be reviewed and assessed by those who has the power either to select you for the interview or throw your document to the discard pile. In this article we are going to talk about some common things employers share when reviewing the bunch of resumes in hopes to find a fitting candidate.
Hard Truths from People Making Hiring Decisions
Job seekers who has spent at least 2 hours writing their resume tend to admire the document they created. But the fact that they like how they managed to present themselves on 1 or 2 page document doesn't necessarily mean that hiring authorities will have the same level of admiration. Remember that you are writing your resume not for self-gratification purposes. Each and every application document is meant to impress the addressee, not the sender.
First and foremost, experienced hiring managers check your experience section. And by checking we don't mean reading; in most cases it is a quick scanning of the section to understand why you want the job. If your experience progression doesn't make sense and it is not clear from this section why you are applying then most likely your resume will be thrown to the no pile. You have to understand that it is your job to connect the dots, no employer will be doing that for you. Even if you wish to change your career, you still have to be clear in your experience section how you can help the company by filling in the position. Do your homework and think how your skills and experience can be used by the company and make sure you connect the dots for the one who will be reviewing your resume.
Another thing job seekers have to be aware of when writing a resume, employers always look for relevant experience, education and skills first. If these are hard to find at a glance, the chances are high your resume will never be seriously considered. This may be the problem especially for those who like to use creative templates with various graphics. People who make hiring decisions need to be able to see the aforementioned sections immediately after they begin to look at the document. That means it is better to avoid formats that don't allow you put forward these sections.
Keep in mind, that most hiring authorities scan resumes. In essence, that means job seekers have to make their resumes skimmable. Choosing small font or reducing the number of sections on the document may win some space but what it also will do is it will make your resume difficult to skim. In most cases it will mean it won't get read at all. It is important for employers to see a clear structure as it helps them navigate through the document easily to find needed information.
Contact Details
If your contact info isn't correct, nothing else matters. You can be a great match for the position but if it is impossible to contact you due to the fact that you didn't provide your contact information or made the mistake when listing your contacts, then you are off the competition. Therefore, it is extremely important to make sure your contact information section doesn't have any typos.