It is no secret that all interviewers are human and in one way or another their subjectivity has a significant impact on the outcome of every interview. No matter how hard HRs and interviewing authorities try to be objective in evaluating candidates they still will be biased (even without realizing it). So sometimes the outcome of an interview might seem to be unfair, but unfortunately, you can do nothing about. What you can do is to take into account human subjectivity and use it for your own benefit. Luckily enough, there are some things that are common to all HRs and interviewing authorities so you don't have to run an investigation of every hiring manager in order to find out one's biases and prepare for the interview.
Interview Preparations
First and foremost, it is important that you are well-prepared for the interview if you really care about getting the position. Think through what kind of accomplishments you can offer to interviewing authorities. The thing is that HRs form their opinion about candidates within the first 5 mins whether they realize it or not. And it is crucial to prove that you are a good match by saying what you have accomplished in the past. Whether you've built a $10 million company starting with your office in the garage or you were hired by Google after graduation - such things definitely help to form a positive impression about you.
Even if the achievements have nothing to do with the job you are applying for it can still be handy in showing yourself as the one who is capable of achieving success. It is called a halo effect when the overall impression of a person influences the observer's feelings and thoughts about the characteristics and skills of that person. What you say is extremely important but you shouldn't think that how you say it is equally important. Just imagine that you can say there are medicines that help every third patient. Or you could also claim that there are medicines that don't work (help) in 66% of cases.
Now the question: what statement will more likely land more sales. Obviously, the first one. That is why you should be very careful in formulating your thoughts. How you say things is as important as what you say as the presentation of information can make a huge difference. It is also important that you look sharp during an interview as well as on your social network account profiles. Career experts claim that the way employees look influences their salaries and occupation. Good looking people attract and generate the interest of hiring managers. Even if the company you want to work for doesn't have any dress code rules and interview is going to be held in a non-formal environment, it does mean you wear anything. Even without thinking about it, interviewing authorities will subconsciously evaluate you by the way you are dressed. So you have to be prepared and look good no matter what. It will have an impact on the one you will be talking whether you want it or not.
For more insight, check the list of smart questions to ask an interviewer.