Asking the right questions can significantly contribute to the overall success of your resume writing. There is only one thing that is absolutely critical when doing so - honesty. One has to be honest in terms of giving answers, which are not very convenient as it may lead to resume rewriting or resume editing. However, your honesty can grant you the desired position. In our last articles, we have discussed the questions of the resume message, relevant content, resume formatting, design, and details. Today we would like to ask the final three questions, which may direct your resume writing efforts.
Question #7: Isn't it too much? When it comes to resume writing the more the better approach doesn't work. The thing is that some job seekers believe that the more information they provide the more chances they will have for an interview call. That is a common misconception. As a matter of fact, the sheer length of a resume often disqualifies the candidate. Even if the information you want to include is relevant to the job you are applying for, there is no need to put down all of it. If you consider the number of resumes the hiring authorities usually review in one day, you won't be surprised to know that 2 pages would be the most appropriate option. If you are a healthcare, IT or academia worker it can certainly go over, which is OK as these positions assume substantial amounts of information to be presented in resumes.
Question #8: Is it all about me? Some job seekers mistakenly assume that spicing up one's resume is OK. There are even some that think that this is a great thing to really add a "little white lie" onto a CV. That doesn't necessarily mean blatant misrepresentation of facts like writing that you were a development manager at McDonald's while you worked as a janitor there. There are candidates who are much more subtle taking the credit for successes that weren't all theirs (often happens in sales). If your lies are detected beforehand it is unlikely you will get invited for an interview. If hiring authorities discover the lie after you are hired, you will likely be fired. Today many companies verify a candidate's employment dates, especially the most recent jobs after the individual is hired. This adds more motivation to be truthful about who you are and what you did on your resume.
Question #9: If I ask a friend to initially scan my resume, what will he/she see? This is the final stage where you want you are ready with sending your resume to the companies. We recommend you ask a friend or relative to quickly scan your resume (not read). After he/she does the quick scan, ask what one could say about you as a professional. What impression does the initial scan make on the one reading it and what kind of information is seen in the first place. This is like a final check that may discover interesting things you may want to reconsider when presenting your qualifications on the paper. There is no question that if you ask all of the questions mentioned before and act accordingly you will significantly improve your chances of getting hired by a reputable company. Successful resume writing takes time and efforts; these questions are meant to direct your efforts to achieve the expected results.
Please go to the following link if you want to know more about previous questions to be asked when writing your resume - Resume Writing Questions Part 2