When applying for a job, is it better to opt for a visual resume or for a conventional one? Read on to discuss all pros and cons of each the resume types and weigh the best options for yourself.
Most of the companies and HR managers require providing a traditional professional resume from a job candidate. Nonetheless, industries and corporations involved in some creative practice, such as those offering positions of a graphic designer, web developer or marketing specialist prefer or even require a visual resume, which is more creative professional resume in comparison with the ordinary one. These graphic resumes do not only inform the recruiter or potential employer about the applicant’s competencies, former work experience, professional goals, and educational background but they also highlight another strong point of the candidate – creative and original thinking.
What is visual resume?
A visual resume refers to using info graphic talking about the candidate’s skills, competencies, experience, etc. When people create an info graphic resume, they simply take their ordinary resume and turn it into a PowerPoint presentation or a slideshow. Some other people may compose visual resumes by adding color to a resume they have previously composed or by creating a webpage or video.
Designed resumes seem more attractive and attention catching. Besides, it is convenient to send them via emails, attach to some documents, upload on websites (or job sites), print them out, as well as deliver via fax.
Why prefer using a well-designed resume?
If properly written and organized, visual resumes may not only pinpoint to the applicant’s strengths and originality but also make the applicant stand out in the crowd among fellow competitors for the vacancy. Best looking resumes will definitely catch attention of your recruiters or potential job givers. Still, please consider an important fact: visual resumes are effective only in case if the company you are applying for a job is visually oriented (i.e. deals with drawing, painting, graphics, design, whatsoever). For some companies, a color resume will be over the top.
How to design a resume – e.g., its visual part?
Just as an ordinary resume, a visual one has the core purpose of grasping attention and interest of your potential employer. Remember about the six-second rule? Yes, here is the same thing: your recruiter should be impressed or interested with your resume within the first seconds of reading it. Please consider that all information that you provide should refer only to your strong points and focus attention on your expertise and competencies. Your resume should help you provide positive impression. Make sure you choose the best resume design to draw attention to the most crucial aspects of your work experience and professional goals.
Examples of visual resumes
Whatever format you choose for structuring your resume, you need to make sure it is consistent and logical. To ensure it is comprehensible and legible, consult online sources giving tips on formatting resumes. If you choose a visual format of resume structuring, make sure that your reader is interested in your professional persona. If you still wonder, “How to make my resume better?” – look through the online samples and see what can be bettered in your own one.
When to use visual resumes?
In most cases (for most positions), traditional resumes are preferred. Visual resumes are definitely more engaging and appealing, so they are used for rare cases. When talking about online resume writing help, such services specialize more in conventional resume structure since such resumes are mostly preferred.
Still, if you come across a vacancy that requires candidates to send visual resumes, it is an outstanding opportunity for you to demonstrate your professional skills, creativity, and personality.