Most of the job seekers are looking for a job that would perfectly match both their skills and aspirations. That's the reason why they spend hours on their resumes, prepare for interviews, research potential employers, etc. However, despite all the efforts it is still hard to find the job that would meet all of the requirements of a job seeker. As a result, some are spending years on finding the desired employment while others accept job offers which might not be the best in terms of their career development plans. For some reason, there is an opinion that taking temporary jobs is bad for one's career development. However, we find many benefits when working at temporary positions. If you know them too you might want to give it a shot.
Advantages of Temporary Employment
First of all, taking a temporary job is the opportunity you make money. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is definitely better than staying unemployed with no salary at all. The money that you will receive will higher that the unemployment payments anyway. Besides, you can still work on searching for your dream job while having a temporary job. Moreover, if you take the temporary job you will probably be more confident as it will give you a psychological boost. The thing is that being out of work contributes to uncertainty and timidity rather than confidence. An experienced HR can easily see whether a candidate is confident and it always has its impact on the overall result of an interview. So working somewhere can at least help you remind yourself that you are capable of landing a job that you want.
Obviously, it will be also good to gain either some new experience or improve what you have already been skilled at. Remember: the more experience you have, the better for your job search campaigns. Employers like candidates who have been working constantly. This way you will make sure you won't have any significant gaps on a resume. This tells employers something about your motivation and desire to work. Additionally, you can learn something new at the company which can help you become a better specialist in your area. Or you can meet someone in the company who could help you with your further career move.
Lastly, temporary jobs often present many career chances people have never thought about prior to accepting the job offer. Think about temporary employment as the chance to try yourself in different industries or even positions. Interests change as well as our career choices so why not try yourself in a new role? It is temporary anyway. It may happen that you will like it and will make the decision to follow up. The same goes for job titles. It is not necessarily bad if you have always been a test engineer to work in the role of an office administrator. It is different, yes. But that is something that might just change your career.