Are you serious about getting a job? Do you really want to get a placed some where you are interested in? You must be sincere. You must prepare your résumé in such a way that employers would find it compelling to call you for an interview. Most résumés end up in thrash. They are highly FLAWED and miss to give DETAILS that employers would have found worth going through. They aren't written professionally. You don't want yours to be like that.
To make your résumé professional and flawless you will need to know certain things. Why do people make mistakes in their résumés? Simple candidates do not have any idea regarding a professional document. They aren't interested in learning or at least knowing the art of writing résumés. Some are lazy, some do not have time. People are happy writing their résumé the way they have been writing, they even don't know about the flaws. And they are surprised why they aren't called for an interview. Hiring professionals do not think it is worth spending time on these kinds of résumés which shows a careless attitude of the candidate.
A professional document is never written in haste. Give yourself enough time and compose a document that has all the elements an employer is looking for. Once you have got the employers attention, you have done your job. The following are a few reasons, why most résumés do not get the employers interest.
The most common mistake in a résumé is the typos. You need to proofread it again and again. Check the spellings. If you are not good at English then ask your neighbor or your friend to do it for you. Ask them to review it, look for grammatical mistakes. Be careful of the tenses. People often begin with past tense and go on to present and so on. It only reflects carelessness.
Font faults
Don't use small fonts. Also, avoid using many kinds of fonts. Your résumé will be scanned. The type should be easy to read and to follow. Employers are not interested in spending much time on it, they will not read it if they can't follow. Use the same font and the type at least at a 10 point.
Your language skills say a lot about you, you will not want to ruin your chances of getting a job with these simple mistakes.
Your résumé should be presentable and readable as well