People often ask about what are the things they have to know before writing their resume or sending a job application to a company. Well, we have to admit that it is always difficult to answer such a question with one or two sentences because there are so many things that one should keep in mind in order to succeed. However, there is one really great tip that can summarize all of the things we used to say to our clients and readers. Our team would like to share more about what can help job hunters be more effective in their job search.
Think Like a Hiring Manager
One of the most deadly mistakes job seekers make is they forget whom they are writing their resumes for. Unfortunately, many believe that it is to remind themselves how good they are or just magnify own achievements for the sake of self-satisfaction. This is wrong and it will lead you nowhere. Keep in mind that the key to successful resume writing in a totally different employer-oriented approach. In other words, it is not about what you like in your CV or cover letter about yourself, but rather what an HR Manager likes. Such an approach is something that often turns everything upside down, but it always pays off.
The very first question people have to ask themselves when applying for a job or simply writing a resume is "If I were an employer what would I like to see in a resume?". This should become a filter through which you will select what needs to be in and what needs to be out of your job search campaign. Although it sounds very simple, it is not that easy to implement because one needs to know how hiring authorities think. We will provide several thoughts that might help you choose the right direction.
The difference between what you expect and what hiring authorities expect can be tremendous. Job seekers assume their resumes and CVs have to demonstrate that they are experienced professionals. Hiring managers expect candidates have skills and qualifications that can be matched to the target company's needs. In other words, they don't care that you are a great accountant if they need a customer service representative. Their question is whether you have what the company needs, not how good you look on your resume. The company's needs is not a secret; most of the information about it can be usually found in the job opening information.
How Can Prime-Resume Help?
Our team consists of experienced resume writers and editors who have learned what most HR managers are seeking in the application documents. We would be more than willing to assist job seekers with development of their resumes, CVs, and cover letters in order to help them get hired. Check our work samples to see how the hiring managers' thinking can be reflected in a resume.