Career Growth: Is It Happening?

There always should be a place for self-analysis. In the fast-paced environment we live in today people sometimes have to stop for a moment and reflect whether they are on the right track. It doesn't really matter where you work or where you live. Because everything happens so fast today we just kind of follow along with what seems to be popular among people, which is often not the best way to go. recommends employees and even job seekers reflect on one's career in order to be more effective and never stop growing professionally. We have prepared several questions that will direct your career meditation in the right direction.

Questions to Ask Yourself

If you have never stopped to reflect on your career, then you have lost many opportunities to grow. The thing is when you don't meditate on it you will likely never think about what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. And instead of correcting your mistakes you just keep going without even thinking about what you could do better or how things should be done. Since career growth is an essential feature of all successful people we advise you to measure your professional growth by asking yourself the questions listed below.

What is a success? It is important that you know what success means to you. For many people, success is a huge house, a recognized title, or high salary. There is no universal definition of career success. If you look up the definition for "success" in the dictionary you will read something like "the achievement of goals or objectives". Whether you achieved success or not will be defined by what goals or plans you have. It would be wrong to measure career success by the same indicators because the goals are often different. So, first of all, you should define what you are going after. In other words, how does career success look like for you?

Are you moving forward? If you have worked 20 years in the role of an administrative assistanturl you are likely not having a career growth. It is an important question then because if you are not moving toward your career goals then you have to change something: your attitude, job, the way you think, etc. This is the stage when you have to make a decision either to keep doing what you are doing or make a change.

Are you right on schedule? When you set your career goals you have to incorporate timeframe into them. Otherwise, you can't tell whether you are moving forward or stopped moving several years ago. For example, if your career success is to become the CEO of a reputable company, but you have worked for 7 years as an assistant manager without any promotion you are likely behind your schedule.

What resources do you use? In order to progress and grow professionally, employees have to do more than just handle their daily responsibilities. Utilizing all available resources the company provides can significantly help initiate innovative programs that can potentially help you be recognized by your management. Very often employees ignore available resources to be more effective in what they do.

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Michael S.

Thank you for the wonderful resume and layout. I am pleased with the work. My job search will kick into high gear in December so I will probably be using cover letter service then. Please add the gaduation date from Excel Technical college as 1998. Thank you so much.

Claire M.

Well written and it doesn't concentrate on the foodservice manager, a field I do not want to work in.

Melissa H.

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Darin A.

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Steven Z.

I, once again, want to thank you for the outstanding service and the timely help you provided.

Mike E.

Thanks to your resume, I got calls from companies of a much higher caliber. It definitely beats the one I made for myself. Thanks!

David P.

“You really excel at what you do. My resume looks impressive. Thanks!”

Tom S.

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