You are probably aware of the fact that in order to get an interview call one has to provide more than just a good resume. The thing is that the competition is extremely high today; therefore one has to offer something better than others in terms of a job application. Sometimes there are over 500 candidates for one position and hiring authorities have to review each and every resume and decide which ones will go to "yes" pile and which will go to the "no" pile. The resume writing process then boils down to the question of how recruiters make that decision. In other words how they decided whether your CV goes into the "yes" pile.
How to Get Considered for the Position?
In order to be considered for the position (which is essentially the same when your resume goes to the "yes" pile), you should have a professionally written resume or CV and any other documents required by the company you are applying to. In order to do that you have to know what are the specific requirements for the application because these requirements often become criteria by which hiring authorities decided whether you are a good match or not. Usually, despite the big number of applicants very few of them actually make it to the shortlist (approximately 8%-14%). One of the most widespread mistakes is when job seekers don't send a cover letter along with a resume although it was included in the advertisement. It doesn't matter if you think a cover letter is important or not; if the job posting says you have to apply with your resume and cover letter you should do so. Besides, it gives you additional space to explain to the employer why you want the job or why you think you can be a good match for the position.
Remember it is all about what they need and want; neither a cover letter nor resume is about what you want to achieve with the help of specific employment. You should also tailor your cover letter to specific job opening rather than send a generic template - this will significantly increase your chances on getting considered. Another thing that can make your resume go into the "yes" pile is relevant skills/experience/qualifications. Any job posting contains a set of skills or experience required to take the job. Some of the advertisement even specify which skills are preferred or desired and which are absolutely necessary. If your resume doesn't have any relevant skills your resume will likely be discarded. It doesn't mean that if you don't have direct skills that are required you can forget about this job posting. You can still try by focusing on transferable skills in which an employer will be interested.
Hard Work Pays Off
If you spend your time and work hard on your application it won't go unnoticed by employers. The reason why most applications are rejected is because people never care enough to spend more than half an hour on them. We believe that if job seekers do their homework and prepare good application documents they have good chances to succeed.