Many people believe that without a college degree it is very difficult to find a good job. Others say it is impossible. There are some though who still believe it is possible but demands great skills and efforts. Our company has worked with many job seekers: those who have had many degrees and those who had none. We can tell that impossible isn't a good word when it comes to job hunting; our team has successfully assisted those who had no chances of getting a good job, but they did. So getting hired without a college degree isn't easy, but definitely possible.
Skills & Experience
You might be surprised but to obtain a job without a college degree today is way more real than ever before. Nowadays employers rarely care how smart you are, they are looking for people with certain skills that could help their company succeed. Knowledge obtained in universities and colleges has become somewhat less important than practical skills and experience. It well may be that education today is more focused on giving knowledge to students, not skills. As result graduates have to gain skills on their own seeking for new work opportunities and internships.
So if you belong to the category of job seekers who have no degree the first thing you should focus on is marketable skills. It is best to concentrate on more than one skill in order to have more chances for the job. For example, such skills as marketing, programming, design or sales will never lose its value (at least in the nearest future). In order to learn these, you even don't have to leave your home - there are plenty of online courses you take in the comfort of your home and at the most convenient for you time. So it is really a matter of self-discipline to learn skills and get employed, not a matter of education. As we have mentioned before, not only skills matter but for actual experience. Few companies would want to hire people with skills who didn't have any chance to use them. At this point obtaining a good job isn't realistic. Unless you have the practical experience you won't be able to find a reputable company willing to hire you. The first option is to work for free - it will give valuable experience information for your portfolio. Another option is to go for an entry-level position.
Lastly, after you have your skills and experience obtained start looking for a high paying job. Please, keep in mind that over 50% of jobs are never posted online so make sure you search for jobs offline also.