How many times in your life did you do something only to regret making the decision later? We all have been there at some point. And at those times we wished we could know how the things would go so that we could make the right choice. But this is not how our life works. We cannot go back in time after we made a mistake. This is so relevant for a successful career. The choices that we make define where we are going to be in the nearest future. We cannot undo anything but we can surely learn from the mistake of other people. They say that an average person learns from one's own mistakes while a wise one - from the mistakes of other people. In this article, we will list some of the most common career regrets people have. Hopefully, they will help you look at your career at a different angle.
'I Wish I Had Done This...'
Many people regret that they wasted so much time during their school years on things that in the long run didn't matter. 'If I would do better in school it would have been so much easier for me to develop an effective career', - a lot of employees regret. Looking back at their school years they could see how many opportunities they had missed out. So if you are still to graduate then it is a good lesson to learn. Give your career a booster by gaining as much as you can in terms of practical and theoretical knowledge while in school. Very few people think of that in the school age because they don't know yet what they will face in the future. But if you know about the upcoming career challenges in advance then you can make things right at the very beginning. There are a lot of people regretting that they never took the chance to start their own business.
The thing is that the majority had good ideas in terms of business start-ups. However, the lack of confidence ruined the whole initiative. So maybe if you have an idea of having your own business don't be in a hurry to dismiss the idea because you don't think you have what it takes to run a business. You might actually have way more than you think. Just sit down to think everything through, evaluate the risks and advantages and you may want to give it a shot. Sometimes it is better to try than to regret your whole life. Basically, any career choice that you take is a risk in a way. Starting your own business is just one of many risks that each of us takes during one's career. Many people often regret that one day they chose the job for the money, not for their interest or career perspectives. This often happens when one thinks of money more than about career development. But then comes a time when they realize that sometimes you have to sacrifice money for a better job. So if ever face a situation when you can get the offer to take the position that would match your career interests and the job that would give you more money (although it wouldn't be good for your career development plans) think it over and make the right decision based on a long-term perspective. Lastly, if you have ever had a desire to quit it is better to consider the decision right away. The thing is that there are so many people who regret they never had the courage to quit their job earlier.
If you feel they you have already accomplished everything at the company and there is no place for growth and development then you might better off changing jobs. We understand it isn't something you could easily do after you spend many years working for the company but it is better to do it at the right time rather than regret about it later. Diversifying your experience maybe not such a tough thing as it opens up a new opportunity and leads to an exciting journey with new accomplishments on its way.