Including online tools in your job hunting tactics is a smart thing because one can hardly find a reputable company that doesn't check social network accounts of the candidates. Moreover, more and more organizations search for candidates online. Therefore, job seekers create their online career profiles in order to tell the world that they are the person most companies are looking for. Unfortunately, many people don't want to spend their time on developing a unique profile and as a result, they just copy-paste the information from their resumes and CVs. While there should be a place for the information from the aforementioned documents in your online career profile, plain copy-pasting will make it ineffective.
Resume Writing and Online Profiles Are Not The Same
You have to remember that creating an effective resume means adjusting it to a specific job posting. In other words, you highlight the things that are the most important to a specific employer. We have said many many times that customizing your application documents will pay off in a better chance to get invited for an interview. When you create your professional profile you have to keep in mind that it should touch a broader audience (because you don't really know who will see it). If you are wondering where you can have your career profile you can always use LinkedIn, create your own website, visual resume, or just post your information on different kinds of job boards... One of the advantages you can have with your professional profile is that you are not limited in space. You don't have to compress your accomplishment or work experience to one or two pages in order to generate the interest of those reading it. However, it doesn't mean that you have no limitations at all when listing your professional experience information. What we mean is you can be more detailed about certain things you didn't mention in your resume or cover letter. You should wisely organize and structure information though so that it could be easily read by visitors.
Another thing you can include in your professional profile is the testimonials section. Usually you don't have enough space on your resume for that; besides, it is not the best place to list third-party comments too. So an online career profile is a right place for such kinds of things which can back up your words about yourself. We recommend you don't make up the testimonials, but rather list true feedback from your former supervisors, managers, colleagues, etc. This way you will make your profile more realistic and credible in the eyes of those reading it.
Resume Writing Services at Prime-Resume.com
Our team offers a wide range of writing services that could help you have confidence in your resume, CV and other application documents. We provide highly customized resume writing services in order to assist job seekers in their job-hunting efforts. For more information please contact our live support team. Check our samples to see how we write resumes.