When applying for any job you are required to provide a résumé. Be it a post of a CEO, Software Engineer, teacher or office assistant, you have to write a résumé. In case your résumé is not well written, it will end up in a trash. To avoid that you need to review your résumé before submitting Next time you decide to write a résumé and mail it, check the ‘ten résumé "don'ts"' below.
1 Presentation. Don't get your résumé printed on a cheap quality paper. Use a good quality printer. Make sure you don't stain it. Proofread it. Eliminate all kinds of grammatical mistakes. Also, do spell checks. When you are done ask someone to check it for you, just in case you might have missed some.
2. Size. In case your description of your experiences and accomplishments runs into two-page, then, make it so. Do not reduce the type size. If the type is too small, it will only make reading difficult.
3. Do not fake any dates or titles. There is no need to hide any facts like having a small position, switching jobs too frequently, or your joblessness under fake dates and titles. In case your prospective employer does a background check and finds out the truth, you will no longer have the job.
4. Format. Use the functional format in order to present your skills and experience up front. In case you are applying for a job and you have no experience for it, do not use the chronological format.
5. Presenting yourself. Simply listing your job skills is not enough. Present yourself with all the achievements and accomplishments. Write about the increased sales, about the goals attained and also about the laurels won. These things will explain why you stand out in a crowd and deserve a place in the company. 6 Do not give any excuses................Whatever the reason you might have left the previous jobs listed in your résumé, whether it was some family problem or your bad boss, or the company you were working for went bankrupt, never give the reason for leaving that job.
7. Most recent jobs. Do not list every single job, you have ever held. Even though, it might be acceptable to have a two-page résumé. Focus on the recent ones, preferably from the last ten years
8. Targeting the audience. Mailing your résumé to every company that advertises is not a good idea. If you don't even slightly qualify for the advertised post, better not apply. Choose those ads which suit your criteria and for which you are qualified. No point wasting your time and money, if you do not qualify.
9. No other documents to be attached. While sending your résumé, do not attach copies of your testimonials, your certificates, letters of recommendation, awards or cover letters unless you have been asked to provide them. These documents are needed only when you are called for an interview.
10. Personal Information. Personal information is not included in a résumé, employers are least interested in knowing about your personal life. Leave out information like your age, marital status, race, religion, and hobbies.
You are now ready to submit your résumé.