Parenting is one of the most challenging (and at the same time rewarding) things we get to do in this life. The Back in 1994 Bill Clinton has singed a resolution to commemorate the Day of Parenting promoting parental responsibility as well as family commitment. Since families are a fundamental institution in our society, we cannot ignore this day and not help moms and dads with their common career challenges. We can't really be very instrumental in providing tips on how to raise your children because that is not our area of expertise but what we can do is help parents who sacrificed their careers to raise and care for their children.
Re-Entering The Workforce
Returning to work is a big challenge, especially today when the jobs market competition is so strong. It takes time and focus to successfully complete the transition from the stay-at-home mom (dad) back to work. It is even more stressful even if you weren't thinking about going back to work that early. Life sometimes throws tough challenges at us and things don't always work out as we have planned. Your spouse may have lost the job or you've spent all your savings earlier - these some common reasons why stay-at-home moms (dads) decide to re-enter workforce earlier than they thought they would. If you are one of those parents trying to land a job after a long time-out, then you are in the right place. First of all, you need to find out what you want to do. Not all people are back to the same kind of jobs they used to have before they took time to care for the child (children). But if you want to do what you did earlier that is fine too. The thing is you need to narrow down your search to something very specific - this way you will have more chances to create an effective job application.
Secondly, network. Get in touch with people who may know someone in the field you are interested in. Reach out to your classmates, friends and even former co-workers. Prepare a 30-second elevator pitch that will sum up your experience and the job you are trying to land. Then simply add a question like "Do you know anyone I should talk to regarding this?" in the end of the speech.
Thirdly, make sure you have everything to support your desire to return to work. Sometimes, you have to start with a part-time job to get industry experience. If you can't have that, try volunteering for the organization working within the same industry. In other words, you need to show potential employers that you can contribute to the company's success.
Fourthly, prepare for the interview. Don't think that this is not a big deal because eventually that room will become a place where the decision is going to be made about your candidacy depending how you do at the interview. Never act apologetic for taking time out to care for your child. There is about it to apologize for. But stay away from telling stories about the life of a stay-at-home mom.
Resume Writing Assistance
There is one more thing that we believe is crucial in landing a job - resume. Most stay-at-home moms or dads choose to write a generic resume and then send it to many employers. Another option is just to spend hours on job boards trying to get a job there. Recent job search studies show that job seekers rarely land at least an interview by following the aforementioned approach. Even before networking you should have custom written resume that will address your relevant skills in regard to the job you will be applying for. It is essential that you take some time to craft a resume speaking to the needs of a particular company. One way to do is to spend an hour reading articles on how to tailor a resume. Another option is just to have it written by professionals for a reasonable fee. At Prime-Resume, we are happy to provide discounts starting from July 23 and 5 days to follow. You can order a resume, cover letter and thank you letter with 15% discount right now. To apply the discount, please contact our support team.