Very often job seekers don't realize that going through the job application process can be tough. As a result, they are not even prepared to answer challenging questions because they never expect any of them to be asked. Having been working with many former hiring managers and people directly related to hiring the personnel we know well that most of the jobs require problem-solving skills or at least it is something sought by employers when selecting a candidate to fill in the position. One of the best methods to check whether a candidate can work under stress, react well to negative circumstances, and solve problems is to ask challenging questions. We will focus today on addressing just one of such questions. So, "Why should one hire you?"
Answering with Knowledge
Before we say what kind of approach you can take in answering this kind of question we would like to help you understand what you should not say or do in this situation. First, don't try to mention other candidates comparing yourself to their qualification or skills. That would automatically be a turnoff. Don't mumble something general like you can be useful for the company... That would just point to your lack of confidence or/and industry knowledge.
Lastly, when answering the question try to sound more positive. Employers don't really like to listen to negative answers so you better choose something positive to dwell on. Now let's move on to how actually answer this question. You should realize that we are not going to post a magic phrase that will become a great answer in the eyes of all employers. Obviously, your answer will not be like any other answer because you are not like other candidates. And it is good. If your answer is different from what others have said it is very good. To think through what you have that others don't have. Maybe you are really good at identifying process improvement opportunities that could save the company thousands of dollars. Or let's say you are a good problem solver that is expert at enhancing the efficiency of operations... When you are explaining why you are unique make sure you relate your professional uniqueness to the company you are applying to.
Otherwise, it will be no good to talk about it at all. If you want to really stand out and show that you did your homework of preparing for the interview you should find out about problems or challenges the companies are going through at the moment. And if you've got what it takes to solve one of the problems you should talk about then when asked: "Why should we hire you?". Make sure you explain what you could do and how your relevant qualifications and experience will help the company. Please, don't go in this direction if you are not sure you can actually solve the problem.
Important Note
There is one thing job seekers have to focus on when applying for jobs. It is not only at the interview they have to answer the "Why should we hire you?" question. Your resume and cover letter are supposed to do the same. If employers can't understand why should they hire you it is unlikely that you will be invited to a job interview at all. If you don't know how to do it you can read our blog series on resume writing or just order our services online.