Receiving a job offer is always a great thing. Considering the competition in the jobs market, the natural instinct is to shout “Yes!” and hug the person standing next to you. While it is ok to have that kind of reaction at home or even during a walk in the park with your friends, you must act differently with the employer. If you have no doubts and would like to accept the job offer, then you should somehow let the hiring manager know. The best way to do it is to send a job acceptance letter. It will demonstrate your professionalism as well as will allow avoiding confusion about such job details, like starting date, compensation, benefits, etc. Additionally, a job acceptance letter is a great opportunity to express gratitude and showcase your enthusiasm for the new role.
Job Offer Acceptance Letter Writing Tips
Writing an acceptance letter isn’t difficult. You need to say a simple “yes” after all. It should be brief and straightforward with no buzzwords. At Prime-Resume, we believe in this letter you should:
- Thank for the opportunity and say that you appreciate the chance to work for the company
- Accept the job offer
- Clarify the terms and conditions of your cooperation if they have not been clearly communicated earlier (salary, benefits, starting date, etc.)
Now when you know the essential components of the letter, you can get to writing. Like we have mentioned before, try to keep it as brief as possible. There is no need to go into details there. Keep in mind that the employer is probably busy anyway so include only the most important and relevant information there. No fluff phrases and buzzwords, get straight to the point.
The objective of a job acceptance letter is to confirm your willingness to work for the company. But along with that, expressing gratitude is considered a good tone. Therefore, a simple thank you for the opportunity is a must-have (remember that you’ve been selected out of the crowd of other candidates). This is the reason why acceptance letters are often called thank you for the job offer letters. It would be better if you could actually explain in one or two sentences why you are excited to work in this role for the company. This will demonstrate that your interest is genuine and your gratitude is sincere. Lastly, don’t create last-minute doubts regarding your candidacy by sending a letter full of typos and grammar mistakes. Edit and proofread your letter a couple of times before hitting the send button.
Job Acceptance Letter Sample (Business Letter Format)
Job Acceptance Letter Sample (Email Format)
How to Send a Job Acceptance Letter?
There are two ways how you can accept a job offer – either by mail or email. There are no right and wrong options here; you may choose whichever works best for you. But in today’s world where time is an extremely valuable resource, most employers expect to receive it via email. When using an email to accept a job offer, make sure to put your name next to the job title or job offer acceptance sign in the subject line. It will help your email to not get lost and actually be opened and read by the hiring manager. If you choose to send a hard copy through the mail, format it as you would do any other business letter (with your name and contact information on top of the page). Lastly, regardless of how you send the letter, address it to the person who offered you the job.
If you are at the initial stage yet, check our tips on how to email your resume and cover letter to a prospective employer.