The jobs are difficult to come by and when you get the opportunity to grab it you do not want to be held down by these small mistakes of yours. The resume which has the best content with the best presentation only would win the contest. So the resume with good style is very necessary. If you have the right style of content writing or font size font type and the right type of alignment, margin size, difference between two lines, etc. This would make your resume look different from the most and it would stand out distinctly.
When using the hard copy of your resume then make sure that you make it look better by highlighting the content with black ink only if you have used a white paper. The impression of the contrast will look good. The colored papers have a negative side that they cannot be used to impress the reader; the white paper is soothing for the eyes and is the traditional way of presenting the resume. The keyword format is very new but also very effective. You need to create a summary of keywords that you have used and make a list of them separately. This would enhance the chances that your resume would be selected. The resume having the summary of the keyword should make sure that the keywords are separated by a comma and must concentrate on the aspect of the right type of keywords so that the interviewer can immediately know what you are trying to state and your job profile.
Make sure you list the information from the most vital to the least in descending order, by doing so you are increasing the value of your resume. The recruiter will not be bored or frustrated if he sees your vital information first. You got to make the recruiter interested in your resume and make him read the best of the information first that would catch his attention. If you are looking to change in your profession then make sure your profile supports you. If you have any qualifications in addition to the degree then highlight them. You must highlight your skills properly, the use of keywords and phrases is very important. You must separate each skill by a comma to make your resume look neat.