There are a lot of articles about the key components of an effective resume. There has been so much talking about how specific sections are to be written, what relevant information should be included, how long an effective CV should be, etc. In this article, we decided to break the pattern and list things which you should never include on your resume. Not because those are bad things, but because they bring no useful information for the hiring authorities and take valuable space.
5 Things HR Authorities Aren't Interested In
1. Most resumes begin with personal and contact information. For some reason, some candidates believe that age, marital status, children, hobbies, or religion will help get the job. That is simply not true. Moreover, if you are hired on the basis of the aforementioned information we would start doubting in the reputation of such a company. The thing is that hiring managers (legally) are not allowed asking such questions. So have your first and last name along with your address, contact phone number, and email address - that would be more than enough for the beginning of your resume.
2. If you think that including your photo will do no harm to your resume, you are wrong. The problem with placing the picture of you on the document is that HR managers don't want to risk being accused of discrimination. In accordance with the US law candidates can't be discriminated on the basis of appearance, age, religion, etc. How many people you think will be willing to take the risk?
3. It is not a good idea to include your salary expectations on your resume. If the number you choose is too high, you could be disqualified. In the opposite case, you could be paid less than what the company can offer. It is a lose-lose situation. You should be prepared to talk about it during the interview though; on your resume we recommend to forget about your salary requirements.
4. Some job seekers believe that explaining the reasons for leaving previous jobs is a necessary resume component. But as a matter of fact, no one really expects to see the reasons for leaving on a resume. Moreover, it distracts from the most important information. You should be ready to answer the questions about it, but it will likely happen during the interview. Before this stage, there is no good reason to mention why you left your previous jobs.
5. While your keen sense of humor is valued among your friends and co-workers, it is considered as not appropriate on the resume. Some job seekers believe that it is one of the ways to stand out from the crowd, but it is better not to risk it all. Hiring authorities don't have time for jokes so it is better to save your sense of humor for after you are hired.