We all want a good life for ourselves no matter how old we are, where we live or what our aspirations are. And a career, as we all know, plays a great role at how good our life is. More than that, for some the career success is directly proportional to the extent of happiness they experience in life. But whether it true of you or not, one cannot deny that career development has a huge impact on our lives regardless of who we are. Any career starts with a job and depending on what kind the job we have and how we perform there we are either happy or stressed out. And every job basically starts with a job interview through which candidates have the job doors open or closed before them depending on how the interview goes. All candidates are usually nervous at interviews and as a result, they often say things they wished they wouldn't have said. Maybe if one knows what things not to say during a job interview it will keep them from doing this mistake.
Never Say It No Matter What Job You Are After
Sometimes people who desperately need the job and they believe that if they make that known to hiring managers they will be willing to hire them just because of their desperation. Nothing can be further from the truth. Whether intentional or not you should not make statements that may appear desperate to employers. By making such statements any HR would understand that your confidence is at a very low level at the moment which leads to believe that you are not the right person for the job. The thing is that employers are looking for confident employees who know what to do and how to do. It is impossible to make such an impression if you seem to sacrifice everything for the job. No matter what happens don't try to bash your former boss. It doesn't really matter how unfair your old manager or director was.
The fact that your making any negative comments about your previous employers says a lot about you. It is very easy to assume that no employer would want to be the next person to be bashed when you are fired. So forget about how bad your previous job was and focus rather on what you learned at the companies you used to work. This may show a totally different attitude which hiring authorities might just like. The primary goal of getting a job is to earn money. It is pretty clear for all candidates as well as for employers. However, don't try to make it all about money when you are interviewed. It is okay to share your salary expectations but it may become the problem if you focus too much on it. Remember that this is not just about what you want, but rather what the employer is looking for. If you concentrate on your needs only you will likely be denied a job. Lastly, don't ever say that you have no questions. It demonstrates that you have no real interest neither in the position nor the company. Prepare the list of several questions that will show that you really want this job (and not just because of money). Usually, at the very end of the interview hiring manager provide such an opportunity to ask questions. Make sure you don't waste it as it can become a turn-off in the eyes of employers.