We used to write about resume writing myths a lot trying to unveil some of the things job seekers believe to be true. However, we realized that the problem often isn't just in writing a resume or CV; very often people mess up because they don't know how to use a resume or CV in order to get the job. Therefore, our team has decided to share more about job search myths to help our customers be more effecting in their job-hunting efforts. SO if you are fed up with trying to find a job, then stop for a second and read this article. It may help you get rid of the wrong assumptions you have made so far about how people are hired.
What Am I Doing Wrong?
Without having a professional resume it is hard to get a job since one of the most effective job search tools. However, it is not the only job search tool you should invest your time into. The problem of many job hunters is that they concentrate on writing a resume too much while forgetting that CV alone will rarely get you where you want to be. In other words, it is not enough just to have well-written application documents in order to get hired. It takes much more than that. Invest your time into attending networking events or reaching out to people that could mediate your employment. Such things are never to be overlooked.
Most people try to get the job directly from Human Resources believing they are the best people to interact with in order to get some opportunities. While it is true that HR authorities are directly involved in the selection and hiring process, it is unlikely that they will be most helpful. The thing that most Human Resources employees don't know about future openings in advance and they will likely cannot you offer any job that hasn't been posted. It is far better if you reach out to so-called insiders (employees who work in companies) - they can share how hey got hired, what the company culture is all about, and what are the most important qualifications required for the specific opening.
After you found a decent opportunity and sent the application documents you are to wait until your resume and cover letter get reviewed and hopefully you would be contacted by the hiring authorities. Many job seekers assume that they should hear back pretty soon, which may not always be true. Job hunters have to be ready for follow-up. The key is not to be passive as it may take too much time before you know you haven't been invited for an interview.
Prime-Resume: Career Assistance
Our company helps our clients not only with developing or editing resumes, cover letters, and thank you letters, but also provides assistance with the job search. Our additional services include interview tips, the list of employment agencies, and resume distribution. Our experienced career specialists can also provide professional recommendations regarding specific job search challenges.