There are different approaches to writing a resume. Nowadays, more and more people prefer following the idea that stuffing a resume/CV with keywords will eventually beat the system and grant employment. Our company hasn't been writing much about resume keywords up to this moment as we tried to see how this phenomenon impacts the job search process. In this blog article, we would like to share what we've found out about using keywords on a resume and what influence it can have on your job search.
Resume Writing: Keywords
It is true that our world is constantly changing. After companies started using ATS (Applicant Tracking Software) job seekers realized they needed to incorporate something into their resumes that would help them get selected by the machine. As more and more companies use ATS, in the same way, more and more job hunters tend to stuff their application documents with relevant keywords, hoping it will help them get into an interview stage. Unfortunately, very few job seekers are aware of the fact that Applicant Tracking Software systems vary and companies can use them in different ways. First of all, you have to know that by far not all companies use Applicant Tracking Software screening.
Secondly, you need to take into account the fact that despite the technological advancement your resume will still be read by human beings. Lastly, keep in mind that obtaining takes much more than choosing the correct keywords and spreading them all over your resume. The biggest mistake the candidates make when they think it all boils down to some technical details like keywords, resume design, format, etc. While all of these things are important and they can help you get a job you still need to understand that people are hired because they have a story to tell (i.e. they have what it takes to do the required job).
Don't focus on the keywords then, concentrate rather on your accomplishments, qualifications, and skills. It is certainly not a bad idea to include keywords onto a resume that would be related to the applying job. However, thinking about keywords too much can shift your focus from the main things employers are interested in. We recommend then optimizing your application documents with a few keywords (which should be relevant of course to the applying position) with the main focus on what you can offer to the employer.