More and more companies today understand the importance of online presence as people can't live a day without a smartphone or a tablet. We all know that you can hardly find a person who isn't interested in checking with their friends via Facebook, monitoring who is living what in Twitter, and just browsing internet pages for fun. As a result of such tendency, many businesses have reacted to hire social media specialists who are meant to promote the company and its products/services through social media. This is a marketing type of job so there are many people who would love to work in this area. However, the question is how can I land a job in social media? This questions we are going to address in this article today.
Resume for Social Media
The method of landing a job in social media is absolutely the same as landing a job in engineering. All you need is a decently crafted resume and a successful interview. The question then boils down to how does one develop an effective resume for social media jobs and prepare for an interview. There are several things you may want to know what employers will be looking for in candidates for this job. First of all, they want to be sure that you know more than just how to post cat pictures on Facebook. It is weird but there are a lot of job seekers who don't understand that social media specialists are much more than just posting pictures in social network accounts. So one of your primary tasks is to demonstrate to hiring authorities that you know how to work in social media in your resume as it is your first marketing tool. In order to show that you are capable of managing social media presence well on behalf of a company, you need to highlight the engagement/monitoring tools on a resume. Even if the company you are applying to is using different tools you still need to prove that you have a broad skill set. Don't forget about analytics and reporting software that is meant to make social media campaigns more effective. Employers who are seeking social media experts need people who can combine strategic and creative skills so if there is anything in your past experience that could prompt to that - mention that on a resume. Nevertheless, no matter how many relevant skills you have got for the job it doesn't mean you will be hired because of that.
The thing is that employers care about results. Skills are only a tool of getting the results; you may have all the tools you need but still, fall short of the expectations if you don't achieve the goals. Like in sales, results in social media campaigns are everything. They will show that you not only have a broad skill set but that you can actually use it to achieve specific goals. As a matter of fact, this field allows candidates being very specific in terms of quantifiable achievements and results. So if you have already worked in the role of a social media specialist you might have achieved an increased engagement by xx%. Or you were able to convert social engagement into sales by initiating social media campaigns. Or you have driven 23% more traffic from Twitter to the company website. Even if you have never worked in this field then you could mention your achievements from internships or volunteering experience. Keep in mind, it's all about metrics (numbers, percentage, etc.)
Personal Brand
Employers and recruiters often check social network accounts of the candidates. If you want to land a job in social media then your accounts in social media must look flawless. Besides, it is the best way to show what you can do through your personal brand. Make sure all of your professional channels look clean. Delete everything that can raise additional questions or cause doubts regarding your candidacy.