Very few people spend entire career staying in one company. In fact, almost nobody does that. From time to time people change jobs in the pursuit of something better. Sometimes they succeed while sometimes they find themselves in an everlasting job search. Nevertheless, both groups face the reality of having to leave jobs quite frequently. It doesn't necessarily constitute a big problem - changing jobs has become a common thing today as people are looking for opportunities where they can utilize their talents and skills to the max. Sometimes the hardest part of this process is to leave the present job on great terms. Telling your employer that you are leaving isn't an easy thing, especially if you know that the company needs you. And in this context it doesn't really matter how long you have been working for the company - it can still be an agonizing endeavor to go through. Below are some tips on how you can approach your employer about the issue. The ideas listed are there to help those who struggle with telling the boss you want to quit.
How to Say 'Good Bye'?
It is important to leave on good terms because a) you may come back sometime later and b) ruining relationships with people who may be your referees is not a good idea. In fact, when you feel like quitting is the only thing left, don't do it. The thing is that most people want to leave when they face obstacles they don't want to overcome. An angry boss, annoying co-worker, impossible assignments, etc - all of these things make people leave. But that is not good timing to do that. Think about staying and overcoming every obstacle on your way and then if you would still want to leave, do it. Sometimes when people manage to solve all the problems they choose to stay. So when you most feel like leaving, don't. It may well be that temporary circumstances are causing you to have that desire, which is normal. But what you have to know is that problems are pretty much everywhere. If you think you will be able to find the perfect job with no issues, then you should take off your rose-tinted glasses.
Now if you have made up your mind to quit, don't let it come as a surprise for your boss. The employer will appreciate if you are going to be sharing the thoughts about your departure for some time. When the news comes as a shock to the company management (especially in a bad moment), the reaction will be quite obvious. After you start sharing your intentions to quit, work harder than ever. This is very different from how people imagine their last days in the company but we are confident this is the right thing to do. Keep in mind that last impression matters. And it would be for your own benefit to give it all in the final days in the company. This isn't easy when you know you are going to leave anyway. The temptation would be to relax and wait until you can officially leave.
Lastly, ensure a smooth career transition before you actually leave. In this context, it would be a good idea to prepare the so-called career plan. This should help you quit the company on good terms as well as make sure you leave on a high note. Write down everything a person who will take your position and the one supervising your job would need to know. Include what you used to do, how you did what you did and what you found particularly helpful in accomplishing the mission. Also, don't forget to provide necessary login information as well as any recommendations for improvement listed in a supportive manner. Go the extra mile and help them with succession planning.