Whenever job seekers start their job hunting campaigns it causes much stress to them. And it is very easy to understand why as the process takes so much time and efforts and is not always as rewarding as we would like it whenever job seekers start their job hunting campaigns it causes much stress to them. And it is very easy to understand why as the process takes so much time and efforts and is not always as rewarding as we would like it to be. It is true that there are a lot of people who love their job and their rush to the office every morning with great enthusiasm. However, looking for a job is a completely different perspective. There are so many headaches almost built into this process that more and more people tend to stay at the work they hate in order to rid themselves of this job search rigmarole. Nevertheless, as it often turns out in life various headaches and problems can be turned into new opportunities you were not even thinking of. Obviously, we don't have any magic pill that will help you deal with all of the pains of job search. What we do have is extensive experience and based on that we can share some of the things we can see help job seekers get hired.
Job Search & New Opportunities
After you realize that you need to move on and find another job you just have to take it as it is. Yes, the future is unknown and it might be daunting not to know what is ahead but it is still a step forward which is better than standing at one place all the time. So just accept it and develop a plan on how to get a job (first decide which job you want to get). One of the first points in the plan should be writing a resume. This is always a headache since by far not everybody knows how to develop an effective resume. There is a stereotype that it should list all of your past experiences and it should tell employer everything about you. But such an assumption is so much misleading. Your resume is not in any way your autobiography, employers don't want to know everything about what you did in the past. The matter of the fact is they are interested only in the relevant information. Everything else is basically an add-on that they really don't care about. That makes your task of writing a resume a bit easier: just remember all relevant (to the job opening) experience and accomplishments and make sure it is the focus of your resume. By doing so you will make your life easier and improve your chances of getting an interview invitation.
An interview is another headache job seekers have to face. No one really likes to go through this but there is no other way really. All candidates who are seriously considered for the position usually have to pass an interview in order to get a job. So the fact that you received an invitation is already a plus. Most candidates prepare canned answers which interviewers can understand in seconds. We recommend treating any interview as a dialogue between two professionals. Most problems come when people take an interview as interrogation which only increases the tension for both parties. Make sure that you walk into the interview room with confidence and preparation. Don't think that reading about company and job requirements is something that you don't need to do. Do it not for the purpose of preparing canned responses but rather for a better understanding of a potential employer. It will add you some confidence since you will understand the context within which you are going to talk with an interviewer.
When you apply for different jobs you have to be prepared to handle the pain of rejection. No matter how good, no matter how well-versed candidate you are it is likely that you will receive rejections. It hurts, especially when you thought you got the job. But this matter no matter what you think. And you have to learn to accept it. The thing is you don't know who you are up against and how their interview goes. What can do is to work with a job coach to understand how you can skillfully present your skills during an interview. Keep in mind, that most likely an interview is a final stage between getting hired so you have to be focused and know what you can offer to the employer. That's what they really care about. Not just how good you are or not how good you used to be in the past. It is all about how good you can be for them and how the good you will bring in help the company achieve its goals.