Many articles have been devoted to writing an effective resume. Most of them are focused on what should be on the CV and what things it is better to leave out. Today we would like to continue helping our customers and readers to learn more about effective resume writing. A lot of experts and HR specialists have already commented on the negative influence of overused words on a CV. If you search through the Internet you will find plenty of articles listing the words and phrases that are considered to be overused by job seekers. But the problem of most articles is they don't offer a solution. They are all about "Don't use this" or "Avoid using this phrase". We decided to tackle this issue and explain what you can actually do about such buzzwords.
Do Something About It
At Prime-Resume we don't believe that because certain words are considered as overused by some HR managers you have to avoid using them. What if there is no other word to identify the skill you want to highlight? What if you cannot rephrase your content in a way that it would not contain any of the so-called buzzwords? Our experts share the alternative view on this controversial subject saying one doesn't have to delete such words and phrases. All job seekers have to do in order to turn it into an advantage is to prove that those words are not empty (that is that there is actual experience behind each and every word).
Effective. Job seekers like to add this word to their responsibilities as they believe it makes them look better in the eyes of the employer. However, people are annoyed when seeing this word because often there is nothing behind it. What people mean by "effective admin support" or "effective leadership". According to the definition, "effective" means successful in producing results. Does your resume show what results you have achieved? If not, then don't use this word.
Innovative. This word assumes you have managed to create, launch, develop something new. It is also important that new programs or initiatives would be successful. If you haven't done anything innovative, don't claim you are an innovative employee.
Responsible. I guess this is one of the most overused resume words ever. Almost every CV contains this word. Unfortunately, most people ignore to mention the area of responsibility. And by doing so they make this word an empty overused word. If you are saying you are responsible you have to prove it (the more serious the area of your responsibility, the better it is).
Resume Editing Service
Our company can offer the resume editing service that could improve your resume. All you have to do is send us your resume and our experts will edit it in accordance with latest resume writing standards. You can also provide your own guidelines as to what you want to be edited specifically.