When it comes to job search, every detail matters. Due to the fierce competition on the jobs market today, candidates are denied interview opportunities because of the mistakes that could have been easily avoided. Submitting a resume filled with such mistakes as typos, stylistic and grammatical errors, etc. may seem like a really small thing hiring authorities should not pay attention to at all, but the truth of the matter is that HR managers do take into consideration everything that can directly or indirectly provide information about the candidate (despite how insignificant this information may seem to a candidate himself/herself). A resume is the one and only chance to make the first impression on a potential employer when applying to a new position. Considering the competition on the jobs market, candidates are interested in making that impression a good one since based on this first impression hiring authorities determine whether to invite one for an interview. Therefore, submitting a mistake-free resume is a must when applying to a new job. Careless mistakes, like typos and grammar errors don't help make a great first impression on a potential employer at all significantly cutting your chances on a getting a call back... That's where proofreading skills can make a difference.
How to Proofread Your Resume Effectively?
Have you ever proofread a document only to realize later it still contained errors? This happens to people all the time, especially when it comes to texts that are longer than 5 pages. But even with 1 or 2 page papers, it may seem impossible to proofread the document so that it doesn't contain errors at all. At Prime-Resume, we believe the opposite is true if one knows how to proofread effectively. Although the recommendations listed below could be used when proofreading any kind of text, it is especially relevant for those job seekers who try to create an error-free job application document to land some interviews.
Give yourself some time between the edits. Most job seekers want to make their resume and send it out as soon as possible. Sometimes, the application deadline gives no other option other than to do it in a couple of hours. However, regardless of what the situation dictates, one has to leave some time between the proofreading attempts. Ideally, that would be a full day or even two but sometimes it is not possible so one or two hours should be the minimum. Job seekers often draft a resume and then immediately proofread it several times believing they have caught and fixed all of the errors. Setting it aside and coming back to it later with a clear mind though, may help you see the things you didn't notice when you did it for the first time. It will also give you confidence when you will be sending it off.
Proofread it out loud. Most people used to proofread their documents by scanning the text. It is good but certainly not enough to make the most out of proofreading. We recommend reading your resume out loud. This should help you "hear" the mistakes while identifying problems in wording or structures of particular sentences. It will also force you to focus on how the words sound together which will help you catch the mistakes you have missed during your "silent" proofreading attempts. Some things just wouldn't sound right when you read them out loud which will provide your more polish-up work to do. While you may feel weird to read your resume out loud, the result is definitely worth it. Besides, after a few times that awkward feeling will be gone.
Use a Spell Checker. There are a bunch of free online spell checkers out there and ignoring them wouldn't be a wise choice. Either after you’ve created your first draft or after multiple proofreading efforts, run it through a spell checker to see whether you have any mistakes on your document. Even a basic check (which is usually enough for a resume) could identify some things you might have missed during multiple proofreads. Please note, that no online checker will be sufficient alone; this tool should be used in addition to the things mentioned above.
Get Some Help. If you are serious about your resume then you won't feel awkward to ask for some help. Proofreading your resume several times and even reading it out loud cannot guarantee you won't miss any mistakes. The truth of the matter is that it is very difficult to spot mistakes in the text you have written. When you know and fully understand the message you’re trying to convey, you tend to scan things rather than carefully read what the text actually says. That is why we believe a second set of eyes can make a big difference in proofreading a resume. Ask your friend or a family member to look over what you have written. It is even better if you have a few people who would be willing to check it for you. The more people review it, the more chances you have to make it error-free. Another option is to hire a professional editor who will make sure you will be sending the best version of your resume. It is always better to choose the person/service that specializes in resumes and CVs. You can also check our resume editing services - this is more than just fixing spelling and grammar errors. Such move can give you an advantage over other candidates for the job.
Proofreading Is a Must
Regardless of the position you are applying for, you have to submit a flawless resume in order to get a chance for an interview call. Any mistakes in your job application documents mean you were not serious enough about this particular opportunity which sends a bad signal to a potential employer. Proofreading is a way to distinguish yourself from the candidates who don't care much about their resumes. When taken lightly, proofreading doesn't do much good. The aforementioned advice should help job seekers proofread their resumes in a way that will help them spot and eliminate errors and win more job interviews.