We always tell our customers that accomplishments can make a huge difference on a resume. Therefore, we encourage our clients to provide information on what they have accomplished so that we could develop an effective resume for them. Some job seekers understand that and they draft resume on their own packing their application documents with accomplishments in order to increase their own chances on getting hired. However, there are some things job hunters should know before adding achievements on a resume or CV. In this article, we are going to dwell on how to present your accomplishments in an effective way. You may be surprised but sometimes accomplishments may not do any good if you don't know how to present. We are confident that after reading this article you will know pretty well how to successfully incorporate achievements into a resume.
List Your Accomplishments on a Resume Right
We understand that it is quite difficult to omit accomplishments that seem to be important to you but you have to consider doing so when your achievements have nothing to do with the job you are applying for. Employers are interested neither in irrelevant work experience nor in unrelated accomplishments. So whether you like it or not it is better to omit things that are not relevant in the eyes of hiring managers. The purpose of highlighting accomplishments is to demonstrate to employers that you are capable of achieving certain objectives as you have done in the past. But if what you did has nothing to do with what the company needs to be done then it makes no sense to add such kind of things on a resume. Keep in mind that a resume is meant for employers, not for self-admiration. It will be fair to say that as much as hiring authorities aren't interested in irrelevant experience and achievements they also usually ignore things you did back in the 1990s. Outdated accomplishments will not do any good. More than that, it just takes the space you could use for different things.
Another mistake when sharing your major achievements with employers and recruiters on your resume is exaggerating. Many job seekers try to make themselves look better so they add up numbers or assign the accomplishments of a team to their personal achievements. Whether blatant lies or little exaggeration, hiring managers hate it. So don't say that you improved sales by $14M in a small $3M company. If that sounds too good to be true hiring managers will likely ignore your application. If you really have an impressive list of accomplishments be specific when listing numbers and back up your achievements with facts. Employers need to know that what you did was actually true. A link, press release or any other thing that could help employers verify the information will work just fine.
Proprietary Information
Maybe you didn't think about it yet but it is important not to include proprietary company information. The thing is that job seekers like revealing some of the revenue figures, marketing plans or other trade information. Therefore, you have to find a balance between disclosing confidential data and still highlighting your quantifiable accomplishments on a resume. Employers may not be happy about your judgment principles of choosing what kind of confidential information to include on your CV.