At some point, every job seeker will have to edit one's resume either for the purpose of updating it with more recent information or revising some common mistakes. The process of resume editing seems to be much easier than that one of writing; however, there are more potential pitfalls you may find yourself in than you think. The point is that the expectations of hiring managers differ from company to company as well as resume writing trends do so even before editing or proofreading your main marketing tool, you have to be aware of the aforementioned aspects. In order to help job seekers with polishing up their resumes for better job search outcomes, we decided to post here several things that should significantly ease the life of those who look to edit their application documents. We hope you will find the tips below helpful.
Effective Resume Editing Practice
As with resume writing, before you ever sit to actually edit or revise the document you should consider the big picture first. Most people believe that resume editing assumes simply fixing typos or changing the layout of the document. But that is one of the last thing job seekers have to focus on. It is important though to see if your resume is working as a whole. Does it have a clear message that would be relevant for potential employers? These questions should drive the entire editing process, not the correction of spelling or grammatical mistakes. Regardless of the reason why you decided to edit your resume, concentrate on the overall message first. The content of your document should sell you as the perfect candidate for the roles you are seeking. There shouldn't be any gaps between the required skills and experience and those presented on your document. Also, consider highlighting the strengths that will make you stand out among similar job candidates. These things are in the core of effective resume editing practice.
After you are done with adjusting your main resume message to meet the specific needs and wants of a particular employer, you can proceed to walk through each and every section of your document. Look at every sentence and even every word to see if there is a better way to say it. We strongly recommend using bullet points for job responsibilities/accomplishments - its format allows communicating the most important facts in the manner hiring managers like the most. Ask yourself whether you can say things in a more concise format. Check each statement if they contain any language that someone might not understand and correct it making it more clear for everybody. Are your accomplishments specific enough (quantified)? Did you use any cliches and word too often and can they be replaced with any other creative phrasing? Now you can finally get to proofreading. Read carefully your resume, word by word, and check if there are any typos or cases of wrong word usage. Also, check whether every sentence/bullet has a period in the end (be consistent). Your eyes will likely get used to reading your resume so it is a good idea to take a break for at least half an hour taking a walk or something like that. You can try changing the font (temporarily) when proofreading or read from the bottom of your page - this should too help you catch errors you have missed during previous reads. Finally, give your resume to one of your friends or relatives - they may spot things you didn't notice.
Professional Resume Editing Services
The truth of the matter is that editing your resume quickly is never a good idea simply because the nature of editing work requires both time and patience. However, those who need to have their application document updated and/or revised quickly and don't have time to do it on their own can always order this service from our company. The tips described above was provided by our staff editors who go through this process every time they work on resume orders. You can always contact our live support team anytime to find out more information about resume editing service.