Let me tell you why.
You must have been sending your résumé to a lot of employers and recruiters, you are anticipating they will respond, they aren't, you are disappointed, and you are getting no success. Read on! You will be able to help yourself the next time.
Get them interested
A job seeker today has to face a lot of competition and; unfortunately his résumé gets a few seconds of attention from the employer and recruiters. These people are usually busy and they do not think that spending a lot of time surfing through the résumés and reading the cover letters of thousands of candidate as a good idea. Unless
your résumé has all the characteristics of a great résumé, it will no doubt end in the trash. Be sure to make an impression with a perfectly written résumé. If it is written without any flaws and mentions what the employers might be looking for, then you might be able to get their interest and attention. Most people write their résumés unprofessionally and with lots of mistakes, and also end up giving unnecessary information.
Know what they are looking for
Having a slight idea about what an employer is looking for in your résumé might be of some help. Often people mistake a résumé for a simple job application. Job seekers do the mistake of describing their jobs instead of telling the employers how good you were at that job.
An employer is not interested in knowing the details of your job, he already knows it. He would like to know about the kind of responsibilities you were entrusted with at the job and also about your success and failures at those jobs. Whether or not you brought any change to the company? How were you better than others? And many more other things that might help the employer know more about you. Your résumé must give them satisfying reason as to why should they choose you.
Some don't have any idea about what an employer wants and others who have begun to realize the need to give both, end up mixing them.
Once again, your employers and recruiters are busy people, they do not have time to go through your résumé and sift out your success from your job description. You must clearly specify them.
A powerful marketing tool
It is a very powerful self-marketing tool. If you know the right way to utilize it, then you sure are going to get yourself a job.
Your résumé is not about your objectives, but THEIRS!
Don't write a résumé stating what you are seeking for, you might sound cynical. Remember, employers are not looking to fulfill your wants but theirs. Therefore, take care and mention what you can do for them and how can you help them. Make it look specific. Mentioning too many industries and fields will tell them that you are not focused and interested. In addition to it, it might also tell them that you are willing to get whatever comes your way. Your résumé should target an area of your expertise.