Very often we don't use all the opportunities that we have simply because we are not aware of them. You probably have met people who are using iPhones just for making phone calls. Well, it is good and that is the primary function of the device but there is much more to it. Or you probably know people who own a fancy laptop but using it only to create and edit MS Word documents. There is obviously nothing wrong with creating documents on your laptop. The thing is that it is meant to give much more opportunities for how you can use it and what you can create with its help. Many job seekers do the same thing with resume writing services when they place an order: they submit a resume order, make the payment and then just leave (either happy with the result or unsatisfied).
How Can a Resume Writing Service Help?
Obviously, any decent resume writing service can develop an effective resume that will land you some interviews. It is important that you put some efforts into actually choosing a good online company that will not just rewrite the information you provide without actually caring whether it will help your career or not. After you have done that you have to find out what kind of services apart from resume writing a company offers to its clients. The companies differ and they may provide different services but even before you make your choice it is better to know everything about the company. Cover letter writing, thank you letter writing, resume-business card, resume distribution, etc. Most of those services are not for free and you have to pay extra to get them. However, there are some that might be offered without any additional charges, such as interview tips, the list of employment agencies, etc.
When you know what services are available you can then make your choice. If you are not sure you may want to consult with a company representative by contacting one via phone or a live chat that is available at most online resume companies. You can explain what you need and what kind of job you want to apply for and they may recommend some of the options that would be relevant for you. More than that, you can use this channel of communication when you want to change the instructions or edit something. Companies that are available 24/7 for their customers look way more trustworthy than those who don't have that option. By the way, it may be a good idea to talk to your writer to clear things out. If you have direct contact with the writer/editor of your resume it will be much easier to avoid misunderstandings.
After you have placed your order and the received files seem to contain some of the things you don't like it is not a good idea to leave it. It is your resume and it is your career after all. You can politely ask the company/writer to revise your resume/CV/cover letter in accordance with the instructions you provide. Most companies will have no problem with doing that absolutely for free. More than that you can do that multiple times unless you are fully happy with the outcome. Most of resume writing services anyway promise you will be happy with your resume, don't they? So all you are doing is just making sure they don't break their promises.