When you are applying for a job you want to make sure the job comes to you and in order to do so you need to have a resume with the best of the contents and the right format. The right format of resume for the right job is necessary; this would create a great impression on the person who is hiring staff. The rules to be followed are as follows:
Rule #1. The first rule states that you need to make sure that you include only the right information and that you place the vital information first and then present the least vital in order. Make sure you list the information from the most vital to the least in descending order, by doing so you are increasing the value of your resume. The recruiter will not be bored or frustrated if he sees your vital information first. You got to make the recruiter interested in your resume and make him to read the best of the information first that would catch his attention.
If you are looking to change in your profession then make sure your profile supports you. If you have any qualifications in addition to the degree then highlight them. You must highlight your skills properly, the use of keywords and phrases is very important. You must separate each skill by a comma to make your resume look neat. You must use the nest of the phrases at the start of your resume for a better response. But if you do not have the best of the phrases then it would be better to stick to the right content properly. It would be wage if you enter too much information irrelevant to the profile. In this way, you are increasing the value of your resume and the popularity of it. The more no. of views by the company the more your rating goes up.
Rule #2. Choose the best way to format your work history. There are three types of resume format that you must use they are functional, chronological and combinational. The functional resumes are concentrated on your skills in which you can present them in a special way by using a new type of category system. It would be better if you list the types of skills and their level that you inherit. And their type of job application you can list a few lines as a description of the skill and where you would like to apply them. The chronological resumes are the type of resumes in which you concentrate on the experience side. You list the experience from the latest to the oldest or in a chronological format. The third type is a combinational resume which is the combination of both functional and chronological resumes. Select the best for yourself.