Unlike many people believe summer is not only the time of vacations and rest but also a time when one can build a good foundation for a successful career. It is especially relevant for graduates and students who quickly enough realize that summer is not just a relaxing time but also an opportunity to start building up a career. Because usually during summer people take vacations, students have more free time, and a lot of employees have less work it is a good idea to fill it with development opportunities to cultivate your career. But the question is what does one can do to create and make use of those opportunities?
To Do List For This Summer
First of all, you can use this time to build your portfolio. Participating in different kinds of internships or training programs could help you gain valuable experience or necessary qualifications for further growth. Whether you will be looking for a new job or you want to move up the corporate ladder at your current workplace it is always good to keep progressing. Another idea is to create a portfolio with samples of your work and accomplishments. This is more useful for job seekers but it is good to have it anyway because one day or the other we all can become job seekers. Another thing you should be doing is networking.
Summer is a wonderful time to attend networking events. The importance of networking can unlikely be overstated because that's how our society works. Relationships with people can make a huge difference in your life depending on how you build them or if you ever try to build them. So consider spending a part of the summer cultivating a circle professionals by attending conferences, association meetings, and other events that could help you build a strong circle of executives and industry professionals that could help you in the future. By the way, there is no good reason why one should ever stop networking at all. Summer is usually a good opportunity for it and that is why we are talking about it. Another thing that could be really helpful for your career is working on your social network accounts. So if you really care about your career or if you are looking for a job then take the time to get your social networks accounts intact.
First of all, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts should look professional (that is without a content that could compromise and disqualify you from the competition). Remove not appropriate photos and make sure your recent posts reflect your professional image. But it is not only about cleaning up your profiles but also getting in touch with your colleagues and prospective employers.