It is not enough to get that recruiter hooked on your resume because of its clear-cut presentation. Getting their attention is only the first step and once you have it, you should continue to keep them interested by adding more information to further convince them that you are worth their time and that granting you that job interview is a worthy decision.
Read along and refer to your resume once in a while to check which information should appear on your resume and which ones you should omit.
Details Which Support Your Qualifications
Market yourself in a positive note and adding personal traits such as "willing to be trained", "fast learner", "resourceful", "has a can-do" attitude and the like will help you in becoming an applicant worthy of the employer's time. Just make sure to pick personal traits which are relevant to the position applied for, for example if you are applying for a research assistant position, the relevant personal traits to use would be, "resourceful", "works with precision", "maintains accuracy", "creative", "unbiased", etc.
In line with personal traits, boost your resume by emphasizing your skills, accomplishments, and strengths. Create a functional resume rather than a chronological resume. Some applicants devote too much time on their work experience thinking that it is what dictates their chances of landing the job and while it is a deciding factor, employers are on the look-out for applicants with skills and accomplishments which they might have gained either through their lengthy work experience or through their extensive undergraduate training. With experience sometimes being only second to skills and accomplishments, this results in an even playing ground between the fresh graduates and experienced applicants vying for the same position.
Sometimes it is best to create a combination of a functional and a chronological resume that emphasizes both your core skills and your accomplishments, and the progress or advancements you have made throughout your career. In doing so, you need to quantify your achievements in your previous works where possible to create a clearer picture of these, and you need to relay only the most recent work and educational background and the general rule is to show only the ones within the last decade.
While it has been previously advised that the use of jargon will work to your advantage, avoid excessive use. Use it only to show your familiarity with the nature or industry of work because its excessive use will not impress but will only annoy the recruiter. Keep your resume easy to understand yet with a content that is professional.
Details Which Derail Your Employment Chances
Do not lie or exaggerate about anything that's written on your resume. While we know that one of the objectives of a resume is to impress the employer, it is a rule of thumb to maintain accuracy and truthfulness in your resume. Your resume is who you are, its content speaks not only of your professional worth but also, of your character as a person. Keep in mind that employers perform a background check of their prospective employees so always be honest in what you declare on your resume.
Unless you are required to do so, there is no need to include sensitive topics such as religion, political affiliations, marital status, race and salary expectations. Employers are compelled by law to be an equal opportunity provider so there is no need to declare these. Also, do not try to woo the recruiter by using clichйs and humor, always maintain a sense of professionalism in your resume.
In all instances keep your resume free from clutter and only include what is vital and necessary. The conciseness and organization of your resume is also a reflection of your personal traits. Lastly, maintain a consistent and neat looking resume that is also visually appealing without losing its professionalism.