My job is to write résumé, I get clients who want their résumé to be written. They want it to be written professionally. Some of my clients are a little confused when it comes to writing their own résumé, some do not have the desire or the time to write. Writing a résumé is not an easy job, especially when you have to write it for your self. Yet, few of us sit to write it. We put a lot of care and attention; finally we are satisfied and post it. We wait for days anticipating the company's response only to be disappointed. Hiring professionals and recruiters are of the view that most résumés contain flaws. They often come across résumés with a couple of errors that could have been easily avoided. This is how they get to know about the conviction of the candidate.
Let's not forget your résumé creates your first impression, and to some extent your success and failure depends on it. Come; let's write a résumé that will ensure: you get called for an interview. Avoid the following flaws when you sit to write a résumé the next time.
1. Your résumé is a tool. Do not mistake your résumé to be a description about you and your life. A résumé has to have all the characteristics that will make it sellable. Your résumé should speak more about your job skills rather than your experiences. It is good to have a little knowledge about the job or the industry you are applying for, you can mention your skills accordingly.
2. Format it with latest trend. Formatting has changed with times and so do you have to. Résumés are no longer just about education, work experiences or hobbies. You need to acquaint yourself with the way résumés are written now. A look at a résumé written by a professional writer may be of some help. P.S. A résumé is no longer printed on fluorescent pink paper. Do not do it.
3. Know what you want. Most résumés lack clarity. Applicants do not even know what they are looking for. While applying for a sales job, a résumé should reflect skills regarding sales. In your Objective heading make your focus clear. Your résumé must be clear about your skills, wants and not just give a vague idea about the same
4. What to include and what not. Hiring professionals are least interested in knowing everything. They do not want to go through the information that is unrelated to the post or the company Personal information like age, marital status, religion, and your children should not be included in a résumé. Avoid irrelevant and unnecessary information as they do not do you any good to you.
5. No rules to follow. A résumé is not written according to any hard and fast rule. No such rules exist, only guidelines. You can use a guideline and also add a bit of creativity while writing; some hiring professionals do appreciate it. You might be lucky. Simplicity and clarity are all that a résumé needs.