Despite the popularity of online job boards, most people who tried to actually find a job at those websites are disappointed with the result. The truth of the matter is that landing an interview (let alone getting hired) with the help of job boards is somewhat problematic. We are not saying you can't do it; as a matter of fact, some job seekers were successfully hired after submitting their application via the job boards. However, that is not a common story. For most job seekers it almost always seems like you are last in an endless line having very few chances to be at least considered for an interview. For those who are really into job hunting spending time at Monster or CareerBuilder websites can take ages. More and more specialists claim then that spending time at job boards is a complete waste of time. But at Prime-resume we don't think it's quite useless, there are many things one can actually get from there that may eventually help him/her land a job.
How Can Job Boards Help You Find a Job?
Job boards are great places for finding relevant job opportunities. All you have to do is to type the desired job title and location. But at this point, you have to hold off and not submit your resume or CV right away (which is often a temptation). Instead, what you should do is use the information provided by the job board and employers to make your job search more effective. The least you can get from there is realistic salary ranges. If you check jobs of the same level of multiple employers you will likely be able to set your salary expectations right. Don't jump to conclusions after the first job you found; take time to review a bunch of them to see what kind of salary you can expect for the pursuing position. Another thing you could do to use job boards is to see how you can improve your resume. The thing is that most ads contain the job description and requirements sections where employers list the things they expect from applicants. If you are applying for the logistics manager position, for example, you will find what skills you need to highlight on your resume (information systems, computing, geography, distribution, etc.). It takes time to review multiple ads to learn of the qualifications and skills employers are after but it pays off in the long run as you tailor your resume to match the specific needs of the companies. Obviously, we recommend adjusting your resume every time you send it to a potential employer but the more you know what big companies expect for a particular position, the less tailoring it will need.
Skimming through the job ads can also help you identify the skills gap. If you can't provide what employer demands then it is unlikely you will be considered for the position. Comparing what companies look for and what you have is an important step in understanding why you get no feedback on your application. It may well be that you need to undergo training or complete a specific degree in order to get a job you are pursuing. The thing is that you have to fill whatever qualifications or skills gap exists. Some of the job boards allow seeing you is looking at your resume. This is quite valuable information to have as you can look up who those people are and even try to arrange for them to introduce you to the company's HR. One of the great features of the job boards (some of them) is that they allow seeing what terms employers search that bring up your resume to the viewing. This is how you can know what HRs are looking for and such kind of information can be extremely helpful during an interview as you will know what skills and qualifications you will need to emphasize.