All of us make mistakes. Sometimes they lead to bad consequences but that's what our life is all about - we are learning to make the right decisions and enjoy their benefits. If you are a job seeker most likely you have to be aware of how to learn to avoid mistakes when developing your resume or cover letter. If you have successful passes this stage in a job search process then your next milestone would be a job interview. That's the place where people tend to make mistakes that cost them a job. Sometimes because they are not prepared. Sometimes because they are not a good match for the opening. Either way, after they fail at a job interview they have no chances to be granted employment. However, sometimes there are really silly mistakes that might cost you a job. We would like to list just some of them to help job seekers avoid making them.
Avoid Making These Interview Mistakes
You might not know but for many job seekers, an interview starts earlier than they think. The interview starts with the interaction with the front desk. Surprisingly there are some candidates who are rude to those at the front desk which becomes a big turnoff for other decision makers. Hiring managers understand that candidates always try to appear better than they really are. So seeing a candidate in his/her true colors helps HRs make the informed decision. No matter what happens around just be nice to everyone and treat everybody with respect and courtesy. This will keep you from being disqualified even before you walk in the interview room.
Such simple reminders can help you get the job. Every job seeker knows that pretty much any job interview is about answering questions of a hiring manager or interviewer. Yes, they say it is all about two people talking about the job, but the matter of the fact is that the conversation is driven by the questions asked by a hiring manager. Depending on how you answer those questions the interviewer will make an appropriate decision. But for some reason, there is a stereotype among job seekers that they have to know everything and answer any question. As a result, they try to guess the answers they don't know which looks awkward and unprofessional.
Be honest and don't makeup answers that you don't know; it will do more harm than good anyway. At the end of an interview usually, candidates are given a chance to ask some questions. This is a chance not only to find out information about the company but also an opportunity to demonstrate interest and preparedness. Take time to talk something other than your salary or vacation time. People who ask questions about these things will unlikely make the impression of a candidate who is excited about the job itself. It is much better to ask specific questions about the company. But don't ask for information you can easily find on their website or on Google. Maybe within a few days, we will provide recommendations on what kind of questions job seekers should be asking. But that would be a different blog post.
The Awkward Goodbye
Many candidates worry about how they should say goodbye. It is important because it is sort of completes the first impression. No matter how good the interview went or how much rapport you have built with the interviewer don't give a high five or hug. Go with a classical firm handshake. Make sure it isn't too weak though or too aggressive as they don't give off the best first impression.