The most important thing job seekers should know is that their resumes will never secure a job. If one spends 10 hours on resume writing making it all perfect, it won't guarantee employment in any way because application documents are meant to get you no further than an interview. From that moment on it will all depend on how you manage to present yourself during the interview. You can find some general tips on how to succeed during the meeting with the HR manager on our blog. However, that article (as well as most articles on this subject) was written mostly about how to handle tough questions. While we believe it is important to be prepared for answering difficult questions, it is also necessary to ask the right questions...
Some job seekers have this stereotype that candidates are there only ones who have to answer questions. While it is true that most questions will be asked by interviewing authorities, candidates shouldn't be quiet at all. When job candidates ask right questions they not only can get insightful information about the company but also can demonstrate interest and skills that would distinguish them from the pack. Whenever a person asks a question it means one is interested and thoughtful about the process - why then would one take time to think of questions at all? Therefore, we advise that when you sit down to prepare for the upcoming interview you include asking questions in the list of things you have to work on. At Prime-Resume we have prepared several questions one can ask during an interview with a potential employer.
1. What are the priorities for the position over the next one-three months? Knowing the boss's vision for the position can significantly help you understand whether you share the same values and have a similar vision for the position's requirements. This will also help you base your answers on these values if you share them.
2. How have the employees succeeded in this role before? The answer to this question can provide insight into how the organization measures achievements. If you have achieved something similar this could be a good opportunity to mention such achievements. Basically, by providing an answer to this question the hiring authorities will give you their expectations. You then could analyze and see if you have the necessary skills and expertise to meet their expectations.
3. What are the main challenges? People have to know what they will be up against. Depending on the answer to this question you will be able to make your decision whether you want the position. If interviewing authorities don't provide any downsides or challenges it will be weird because any position has some.
4. Do you have questions about my credentials/qualifications? This is a great question to end your conversation with a hiring authority with. It demonstrates that you are OK with talking about your own vulnerabilities. It also indicates that you understand that you are no star and are open for coaching and training programs in order to enhance your professional qualifications.
Here are some more smart questions to ask an interviewer.