Finding a job is not that difficult today. Finding a satisfying job that brings good money is a different story though. Considering the tough competition on the jobs market today, landing an interview (let alone getting a job offer) has become a real challenge. The reason is simple – most job seekers try to get hired by following their own logic as opposed to following the logic of the prospective employers. The effective job search has always been about employers and their needs. Understanding how the hiring managers think and how they evaluate applications is the only way to a successful job search campaign. Here are some of the must-know facts about hiring practices that people should be aware of before starting their job search journey.
70-80% of jobs are never posted on job boards
What this means: If you limit your job search efforts to platforms like Indeed or Glassdoor, you significantly cut on your own opportunities. Although we live in the era of the Internet, not all jobs are posted online. In fact, only about 15% of hires are made through job boards. Thus, make sure you supplement your online search with some real-world activities and interactions with other humans. Reach out to your teammates, acquaintances, and friends and try to learn more about their jobs and opportunities in the companies they work for. You will be surprised at how much you can gain.
The average job opening attracts over 250 resumes
What this means: This proves one simple thing – there is significant competition. Regardless of the way you will learn of the job opportunity, you will still need a resume. And you better have it well-written (be it a CNA resume, restaurant server resume, or college student resume). In order to make your way to an interview stage, your resume should clearly communicate your value and how you are different from other candidates. Most resumes the hiring managers have to review look identical – boring, boring, boring. In order to stand out, take your time to study the job opening and submit a resume that will highlight those skills and experiences that employers are looking for. With so many job seekers using just one resume template to apply for all kinds of job openings, you can beat the competition by simply creating a powerful marketing document that will speak to the particular needs of every employer.
More and more companies use ATS
What this means: Applicant tracking software helps companies filter our candidates with no relevant skills and experiences. This makes the job of the hiring managers much easier as they don’t have to waste their time reviewing applications that will be rejected anyway. You may not know but every time you submit your resume through an online form, there is a good chance it will be scanned by ATS before it ever lands on the HR’s computer. Over 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS – this fact alone implies that more and more companies will be using such software to make hiring practices more efficient. This means that candidates should now optimize their resumes to make sure the document contains the necessary keywords. Otherwise, it will likely be rejected by the employer.
Details matter more than you think at a job interview
What this means: The primary purpose of a resume is to land you interviews. No resume has ever landed a job directly without making a candidate pass an interview. You may now be aware of this but when you come to an interview meeting, there is much more than just your professional skills and experience to be evaluated. The survey proves that over 60% of candidates fail at interviews because they didn’t make eye contact with the employer. About 38% of candidates failed because they never bothered to smile. The list can go on but the point is that every single detail matters: your outfit, the tone of your voice, your look, a handshake, posture, etc. Make sure you don’t ruin your own chances by making those little mistakes.
Employers do check the candidates’ social networks
What this means: Writing an effective resume and acing the interview may not be enough for receiving a job offer. Social media channels have become one of the assessment tools in the hands of employers. More and more employers tend to check the candidate’s social media accounts to spot any red flags or information supporting one’s skills and qualifications. Any inappropriate photos or provocative behavior online can significantly decrease your chances of being hired. Therefore, clean up your social media profiles and make sure there is no bad-mouthing of your previous boss or anything like that. Also, consider adding some pictures that demonstrate your attitude towards work (attending a seminar or finishing a project, etc.)
Key Takeaway
There are two ways you can approach job search: 1) following your wants and needs and 2) focusing on the needs and wants of the prospective employers. The former has proved to be much less effective and much more time-consuming. With the limited time job seekers usually have in store, the hiring practices should be the driving force of the job search. It all boils down to how the employers approach hiring, not how you approach your job search.
- Use networking, online job boards are not sufficient
- Tailor your resume to address the needs of the employer
- Polish up your resume to beat ATS scan
- Prepare for the interview
- Clean up your social media profiles