Job-hopping has always been widely discussed among people who are thinking about future employment and successful career. Despite some differences in the definitions, most agree that a job-hopping boils down to changing jobs frequently. Not so long ago job-hopping was very close in definition to career suicide as hiring authorities discarded resumes with several short term employment. It was considered that such a person is a potential disloyal employee that will likely quit soon when such opportunity arises. However, over time these things have changed and HRs, as well as employees, started looking differently this practice of job-hopping.
Pros and Cons of Job Hopping
Usually, if you change companies every two-three years (and you leave your jobs not because of a layoff or closing) then you are job-hopping. And it is not necessarily a bad thing if you are doing it for the right reasons. More than that, today for many companies and specific industries such experience can be considered an advantage. For example, those working in technology can benefit from frequent job changes as they can gain valuable experience and knowledge in different environments and cultures. So some companies welcome job-hoppers if they can bring immediate value (through past experience and gained knowledge) to the company. So if you are talking about the advantages of job hoppers over other candidates you are talking about the diverse background. People who had experience working for different companies can rightfully point to their experience in different settings and exposure to different challenges. Such applicants are more attractive to employers as they can offer more than run-of-the-mill candidates.
Job-hoppers usually have access to more resources than those who have been loyal to their companies for 30 years... The thing is that in order to make a project work it is usually required much more than one or two resources. In other words, very often growth can't be found under a single roof, that's why access to more information is very important for employers. Lastly, job-hopping can characterize you as a quick learner and a person who is flexible enough to adjust to different settings. It probably means you are not afraid of risks or changes. However, it is not all positive about job-hopping. Employers will unlikely be willing to invest in you their resources. Or at least they will be hesitant about doing so. They understand that if you have been changing the jobs frequently it is likely you will leave them in one or two years too. If a company is forced to lay off some of the employees, job-hoppers will be first to go. More than that, every manager would understand that you will likely want to leave when the company will be going tough troubles. Or even worse when the first sign of troubles will appear. Business owners want employees to be a part of the solution, not those who add on to existing problems.
Depending on what kind of person you are and what type of job you are looking for job hopping can either be a benefit or a drawback. It is important though in any case to maintain good relationships with past employers as well as to demonstrate your professionalism and ability to bring value to the company's project or products. If you need assistance with incorporating your job-hopping career into a resume you can always contact our company and we will be happy to provide our professional resume writing assistance.