Today people have way more channels of getting information than they had 10 years ago. With the development of the Internet, most us used to "google" the things we don't know. And as useful as it is we have to say it can be dangerous sometimes too especially if you don't know how to analyze information. The thing is that pretty much anybody can post something online calling it a professional opinion whether it is an experienced specialist or a recent graduate who just thought he was good enough to share his opinion on certain subjects. As a result, there are many misleading facts available online and the section of career advice is no exception. If you try to search career tips online you will find plenty of resources and articles offering a different kind of assistance. Most of them will tell you how to achieve career success. But not all of them are as professional as they claim to be. We decided to list some of the popular job interview myths available online to make sure our readers don't buy into it.
Even Though It Sounds Good...
The thing is that job search myths sound good. They have some logic and even consistency but that doesn't make them true. For example, some people believe that discussing money isn't a good thing at a job interview. However, you may be surprised to know that sometimes HRs will directly ask you to name your salary expectations. That means you have to discuss money matters whether you want it or not. Any other response apart from telling what you expect in numbers would not be very appealing. More than that, if you are able to name the salary range it means you have done your homework and prepared for the interview. So talking about money isn't a no-no thing at a job interview. As a matter of fact, talking about money can help the recruiter understand whether you can objectively evaluate the price for their work. Another myth is about who gets a job. For some reason, many experts conclude that the most qualified candidate usually gets the job. However, that is not necessarily true. If you believe this myth all you have to do is to prove you are more qualified than other candidates which will result in the job offer. The truth is that it is not just about qualifications, but also about your confidence, determination, and enthusiasm to sell your skills to employers. There are many hiring managers who would prefer choosing a less qualified but more passionate about the job candidate over the one who has more experience and qualifications. So if you think it is only about your qualifications you are wrong.
A common assumption that most candidates have when they are going to come in for an interview is that interviewer is prepared as he/she studied your resume in details. If you think so you cannot be further from the truth. In most cases, the interviewer is overwhelmed with the work and probably he had time only for a quick glance at your qualifications rather than a careful study of what you have accomplished in your career. In other words, you can prepare to lead the interview if you know what value you can bring to the company. If you know the job description well you can anticipate potential problems of the applying position. It will be a smart move to prepare some examples from your past experience of how you resolved similar problems. Or even better - mention specific results you have achieved that has something to do with the responsibilities you should be dealing with at a new job. Lastly, there are many career counselors recommend wearing a suit or any other formal attire. Well, this is a good recommendation but it doesn't always work. In fact, it can backfire at you riding you of the chance to be hired. The thing is that some companies have a culture to which a formal business attire would be totally alien (even though such companies are very reputable in the market). So before deciding what you are going to wear at a job interview you better learn about your potential employer as much as you can. It will help you know what you could wear and what can you say during an interview.