In our last blog posts, we have started writing about different resume writing levels. Since we have already covered the theme of an entry-level resume we are moving to the next one - professional and executive resumes. This subject is more controversial as the opinions differ on this one. Nevertheless, we will present what we believe would be the best idea of how to write a professional or executive CV.
Professional and Executive Resume Writing: What's the Difference?
Many people ask what's the difference between those two levels of resume writing. This is a fair question because these types of application documents are for people who have enough professional experience. Despite the fact that a professional and an executive have a lot in common, yet they have their differences. In this article, we will provide more information to help our readers understand the difference and highlight the most important things to pay attention to.
Professional resumes are documents that highlight relevant work experiences. By saying so we mean that one has worked for at least 5-7 years gaining necessary skills and knowledge in one or several industries. One of the most important things you can do about your professional level resume is to focus on the relevant experience and evidence of success. It is important to show that you didn't just do the same thing over a certain period of time without any success. This one of the most common resume mistakes - to write about what you did as opposed to how you progressed. Growth and progress are two main words that should be in every paragraph of the resume. Employers always need people who can progress and offer growth to the position and the company in general. At this point in your career, it may well be that you already have some leadership experience to show off. However, it doesn't make you an executive just yet (no matter how hard you want to be one).
Executive resumes are similar to the professional ones because they are written by/for people with solid experience and qualifications. However, if the employment history from a professional CV includes entry-level and managerial positions, executive resumes are all about senior management or business executive positions. Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officer, Business Directors/Owners, and other C-Suite positions - all of these titles relate to an executive resume writing level. If you think that this level is the most appropriate for your career search you should remember two words: accomplishments and results. At this stage, career accomplishments and results matter the most. Since the employers assume you have already achieved certain things they want to know what specifically you have accomplished and how it can help their company. Remember that specific numbers tell more than 4 sentences of descriptive words.
This article is meant to help you understand who you are, what things to emphasize, and what resume writing level to choose if you make your mind to order resume writing service. It is always good to know who you are in terms of professional perspective in order to know where you are going. You can always contact our team if you need additional resume writing assistance. Additionally, you can also have your resume checked by our experts (for free) if it matches your career goals and corresponds with your career level.
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