Recession is an economic status that every country would really love to avoid having. It can be easily discerned if one will look at its level of Gross Domestic Product. If there is a dip in it, then recession is underway.
If an industry is declared to be under the veil of recession, it is said to have an economic slowdown where almost anything that involves an economic activity, like the businesses, is not doing well for a certain period of time. This is when instead of reporting gains or profits almost everybody is scrambling to look for cover from economic kickbacks. If one will luckily find a cover, it might be protected from the possibility of having to deal with bankruptcy, thus avoiding the call for help like bailouts from the government.
One very visible effect of recession is the closing down of some companies, factories, and stores. This eventually results in increased cases of unemployment. However, when there are companies that take a direct hit from the recession, there are also businesses that seem to be inherently immune to it due to their nature. These are the lucky industries of tourism, hospitality, and food service. Mother Nature and food never diminish their beauty and charm which keeps people coming back and again. Restaurants, for one, are one of the busiest businesses which keep on hiring people, from any walks of life. Aside from this, restaurants also have flexible operating hours which make it all the more ideal to be a person's second job, a part-time job and the likes.
Among these very helpful restaurant employers, there are those which can really get anybody decent pay and other employee benefits. Sometimes, an employee has to look for things aside from the pay in order to decide whether an employer is worth working for. He has to consider the stability of the job to make him feel secure. He also has to look for opportunities to grow professionally within the job. Most of the restaurants which respond well to these factors consist of fast foods that are into hiring employees for nocturnal shifts. As of Bureau's Economic Census in 1997 had recorded, these fast foods are not sharks who took a significant portion of their income for themselves. They only get 4.8 percent from the pay of full-time crews, with 19 percent working nocturnally, five percent doing night shifts, and eight percent on rotation.
McDonald's is first up on the list. It does not discriminate against its employers according to age and gender. It gives the best rate in the industry. It also covers its employees under health insurance. It gives allowances and more so, allows its crews to adjust to flexible working time which any employee can benefit from, as previously cited.
More restaurants to work for can be found here.